Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Things in the News

I haven't really caught up on all the current events that are happening but I have to tell you that there is A LOT going on right now! Click on the links below. (They start with "CBC" but aren't showing as a different colour for some reason.)

Canada is going to have a Federal election. Here are some interesting reads:
The vote compass takes a few minutes to run through but is really interesting. Try it out!
Lots of info about what a coalition government is and previous coalitions that we have had in Canada.
Wow...the Green Party has been shut out from debating before the election. Do you think this is right? Read this article.

Libya is in turmoil and the world (including many super power countries) are trying to intervene. Here is an interesting article:
CBC - What's happening in Libya?
An article (with images) about current events in Libya.

Japan is still not out of trouble. Here's the latest news from Japan:
CBC - Japan Update

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Test Tomorrow!

Make sure to study tonight by using the chapter 3 and 4 reviews that I gave you!
Chapter 3 Review - 10 marks
Chapter 4 Review - 10 marks
Chapter 3 Booklet - 10 BONUS MARKS

The review sheets have most of the info on them so use those as your guide but here are some more tips -
Know the word "autonomy"
Social welfare programs (UI, collective bargaining, health care)
Various groups of people - aboriginal, women, immigrants, etc
Various political parties - provincial and federal - leaders and political platforms
Canada's road to autonomy (ex. king byng; halibut, chanak, statute of westminster)

FYI - just b/c something is not written in the above section doesn't mean it cant show on the test. STUDY EVERYTHING.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am going to be away tomorrow.
Please be nice to the TOC and stay on task.
There WILL be a quiz Wednesday (as planned) whether you get through everything I left with the TOC or not. So try to get through it all :-) (If not it is homework and you have to do it anyways :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week of March 14th to March 18th

Let the countdown begin...Spring Break is officially FIVE school days away! We are going to work our hardest for this last week prior to the break so come to class ready to work!

Monday/Tuesday -
1. No quiz.
2. Causes of the Great Depression (page 90 to 92)
3. The Desperate Years (page 94 to 100)
 4. Responding to the Depression (page 101 to 104)

Wednesday -
1. Quiz (pages 90 to 104) <----- see a pattern? Wednesday quizzes are larger so Tuesday nights should definitely involve lots of studying!
2. Politics of Protest (page 106 to 107)
3. A Change in Federal Govt (page 110)

Thursday -
1. Review activity for chapter 3 and 4 test (make sure to bring your chapter 3 booklet for bonus marks AND your chapter 3 review sheet for the test on Friday - - - these are EASY marks people!)
2. Essay writing (if time)

Friday -
1. Test - Chapter 3 and 4
2. Get ready for 2 weeks off :-)
Things you can do during the break so you don't forget everything: go through PowerPoints that you have already looked at; continue making flashcards; re-read your textbook; read ahead; go through PLOs (attached to your course outline) to see which things you need to review or ask me about; go through your binder to re-read notes and worksheets.

Coming up: WWII

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tomorrow's Quiz

Based on pages 77 and 78 (Regionalism)
For period 3 students you need to study pages 77, 78, and 79. (Regionalism plus Canada's New Government)

* Note that you will be having a chapter 3 and 4 test on Friday before Spring Break. This is different than what I had planned at the start of this week BUT this is great news since this way you will have the test out of the way and we can start fresh with WWII after spring break :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quiz Tips for Tomorrow

You need to study pages 62 to 76.
There will be questions on:
- winnipeg gen. strike
- branch plants
- Bootlegging
- groups that did well during the 1920s (and why)
- Groups that struggled in the 1920s (and why)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week of March 6th to March 10th

1. No quiz today :)
2. Canada after the War: An Uneasy Adjustment and Canada's Changing Economy (pg. 62-63;66)
3. The Winnipeg General Strike (pg. 64-65)
4. The Roaring Twenties (pg. 67-71)
5. Missing the Roar (pg. 72-76)

1. Quiz (pg. 62-76)
2. A New Challenge to Federalism: Regionalism (pg. 77-79)

1. Quiz (pg. 77-79)
2. Canada's Growing Independence (pg. 80-83)

1. Quiz (pg. 80-83)
2. End of Chapter 3 - The Stock Market and begin Chapter 4 - Causes of the Depression

Next Week:
Chapter 4 - 1930s: Depression

* Please note: You will be having a CHAPTER 3 and 4 TEST BEFORE SPRING BREAK. Most likely on Friday before we go on vacation. This is awesome!

* Coming up: WWII after Spring Break.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Outstanding Work!

Many of you are missing the Propaganda Poster assignment! Please hand this in ASAP!

Storybooks are due on TUESDAY.

Next week: Chapter Two - The Roaring (19)20s.